Pay Attention to Your Food


It takes less than 30 seconds to look over the ingredient list of foods to know if you should put it in your body.

It’s not even a matter of following a diet. Everyone should learn what their body can and can not handle.

Basically everything these days is full of shit. Everything. Even things that shouldn’t have anything added to them have been messed with. Various preservatives are added to foods to enhance flavours and lengthen shelf life. You have to stop and think, that food in the jar or can would have gone off or rotted after a few weeks if left untouched. How is it sitting on a shelf 6-12 months later and remaining edible? Those preservatives can negatively effect your gut. Gums and other thickening agents are used in most baked goods, gluten free items, supplements and I even saw that xanthan gum is now an ingredient in Coles cooked chickens. WHY?! It's a chicken!!FFS! What else are gums used for other than thickening foods? Laxatives. They are used as laxatives. Ever wondered why so many different processed foods give you gas, bloating and the shits? Because they have been thickened with laxatives thats why.

In many cases trying to do the right thing and eat the "healthier" alternative is in fact worse than if you just ate the original. Sugar free? Id rather consume the sugar than the awful sugar alcohols they use instead. Oh by the way, sugar alcohols? Also used as laxatives.

Now not everyone is affected by these things. But an alarming amount of people spend most of their days complaining how their guts are destroyed and they suffer terrible bloating. There is a whole market of gut cleansing products available hoping to cash in on you trying to fix the problem. Some advice? Stop buying the gut supplements and start taking note of whats in your food.

Remember, if God made it you can probably eat it. If man made it, it’s been fucked with and will probably cause issues.

With that said there are plenty of things that God made that will give you all kinds of gut problems. Many fruits and vegetables cause horrendous bloating and gas. Just because something has been labelled a super food or healthy doesn’t mean your body wants it. If you eat something and there is a negative reaction shortly after eating it, thats your body telling you it doesn’t like what you just ate. Listen to your body. Eat something else.